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WDSU Airs Report On Uninsured Motorists In Louisiana

Posted in Our Blog on November 26, 2013


If our years of experience here at Redmann Law have taught us anything, it’s the importance of protecting yourself against uninsured motorists. We tell clients, friends, family, and generally anyone who will listen about how critical it is that drivers obtain uninsured motorist (UM) insurance with their car insurance policies. This add-on is very affordable and could well be the most important few extra dollars a month many of us will ever spend.

WDSU in New Orleans ran a news story yesterday about the growing trend of accidents in Louisiana caused by drivers who don’t have car insurance. Those who are injured and damaged by the at-fault uninsured drivers often must suffer the burden if they themselves weren’t properly insured against uninsured motorists. You can view the entire report online at WDSU’s web site.

The report profiles several drivers whose lives were changed when they were injured by another driver who didn’t have proper automobile insurance. Laws regarding uninsured motorists vary from state to state, and when a driver from outisde of Louisiana doesn’t have the proper insurance, law enforcement is limited in what it can do with the offender.

Above all, the report stresses a message we have reiterated for a long time: Uninsured motorist coverage is absolutely essential when you’re purchasing car insurance. If you don’t think you can afford it, then please reconsider your budget and find the room for it. It will cost less than you think, so please give your insurance agent a call, and soon, because you never know when the worst could happen.