Louisiana’ premier
personal injury lawyer
Posted in Our Blog on December 10, 2015
Nearly every Louisiana employee is covered by workers’ compensation insurance. This insurance will pay you benefits in the event of an employment-caused illness or injury. For example, these benefits will pay for your medical care. They will pay for your time spent unable to work, and they will pay for other kinds of costs associated with your health issue. This article will discuss two common questions that come up before the pursuit of a work injury-related claim.
What are the basics I should know about workers’ compensation?
The Louisiana workers’ comp program is state-mandated and state-subsidized. Each state has an employee insurance program like ours – even the federal government has a special workers’ compensation system for federal employees. One of the best parts of this insurance is that it’s usually “no fault,” so it does not matter if the employee or the employer is to blame for the injury.
What are the limitations to workers’ compensation coverage?
Workers compensation generally covers any kind of injury that happens on-the-job, regardless if it was caused by the employee or employer’s negligence. However, there are some limits to this. For example, in situations where the employee’s intoxication by drugs or alcohol caused the accident, he or she might not be awarded benefits. Also, if it is determined that the injury was purposefully self-inflicted or that the employee broke the law when the injury happened, then benefits could be denied.
There are a lot more questions injured employees usually have about workers’ comp. By getting in touch with a qualified employee benefits attorney, Louisiana residents can gain a better understanding of workers’ compensation law and how it applies to the unique situation they are in.